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I am immensely thrilled you decided to drop by and pick up to read a bit amateur stuff. Like it or dislike it, share your thoughts with me.

Well, I am not a pro-blogger. That, of course, adequately explains why I’ve decided to kick off a blog page in 2015 at 40ish. I may be a bit late entrant to this amazing world of thoughts-sharing. But then what the heck, better late than never!

Beautiful things happens at 40! You get the urge to re-discover your passion and try something new beyond your means. I don’t want to call it midlife crisis until one day I buy (ok, when I can afford) a red convertible or a brown Harley Davidson! At 40ish, you are not satisfied with your life’s achievements entirely, like most commoner like me, but you have a beautiful family back home to go back to after work. You all of sudden realize that 40 is actually not the beginning of a middle-age (guess it starts somewhere in 60???), you might want to cut down on the interesting habits like the late night drinking (accept it, your energy level is not ample anyway) and you pick up something which your dad did not do (golf, hiking, sailing, fishing… or anything which embarrassingly takes ages to master the basics of it!!!). It’s just an amazing world of 40 when you don’t have to quite care about what ‘others will feel’ sharing your opinion, your saggy biceps might have a tattoo or two, you like being distinguished with your own weird perceptions, and you don’t really get your kids’ rolling eyes when you don’t know how to explain a thing short and simple, right?

At 40, the relationship with your better half becomes intense and interesting in many aspects! My daughter may someday read this, so better not to elaborate. You not only master the art of giving a deaf ear to your gorgeous wife’s demand to dye your graying little-left hair or to fix the leaking kitchen sink, but also know exactly how to drive her totally nuts in many wonderful ways. Ok, enough said! I need to continue living with her, so let me stop here (as they say, please PM me for better insight!). At the end of the day, it is utmost important to know your limits when it comes to ‘her’!

I will leave you with a thought provoking story:

Two police officers responding to a domestic disturbance with shots fired arrive on scene.

After discovering the wife had shot her husband for walking across her freshly mopped floor, they call their sergeant on his cell phone. “Hello Sarge.”


“It looks like we have a homicide here.”

“What happened?”

“A woman has shot her husband for walking on the floor she had just mopped.”

“Have you placed her under arrest?”

“No sir. The floor is still wet”.

They say “Growing old is inevitable. Growing up is optional.” It’s my turn to grow up now! So, now you understand what you are in for? Don’t tell me I did not warn you! Haha…

More soon. Thanks 🙂